“Looking back over his own lifetime experiences, this veteran saint says there
have been two great epochs in his own life. ‘The first was when I ceased to
take as final human teachings about the Bible and went to the Book itself.
The second was when I found Christ as Victory and Achievement.’

“Christian experience, and the experience of the Christian, may be two
very different things. Christian experience is wholly the result of the
Producer of Christian experience– the Holy Spirit.’

“The Victorious Life is simply Christ Himself; and every Christian has
Christ—or else he is not a Christian; “if any man have not the Spirit of
Christ, he is none of his” (Romans 8:9). But many a Christian who,
because he is a Christian, has Christ indeed within his heart, is yet failing
to yield wholly to Christ and to believe wholly in His sufficiency, and
therefore is sadly failing to have a personal experience of victory over sin.
Because he has Christ he has the “Victorious Life,” but he is not letting
that Life, or Christ, work in overcoming power. ”

“Do not attempt to form opinions or draw inferences as to those silences.
[silences not explained by God’s word]. Don’t infer doctrines in your
Bible study. When God does not say anything on a certain subject,
then leave it alone.”

“Example: relation of God’s foreknowledge to His predestination. What
does God foreknow? No “light” in the Bible on this. We must leave what
constitutes God’s foreknowledge to Him for He has not told us.”

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